Areeb and Annie

Everyday Leadership Leadership

A Day in the Life of an Everyday Leader

Inspire people, but don't change people to think and live as you want. Let them understand how their skills can...
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4 Leadership Lessons From A Sloth

Like people of the past have underestimated sloths, we often underestimate ourselves. Let's see what sloths can teach us about...
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Servant Leadership: Is it more impactful than transformational leadership?

The servant leader engages with others in relational, emotional, and ethical dimensions to empower and inspire the people to realize...
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Thoughts on Leadership From an Everyday Leader

The concept of making a more considerable difference in the world to become deserving of the title of leadership is...
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Argument Communication skills Discussion Persuasion

Tools to Convince: How to Win Arguments

Understand your audience's beliefs. To convince them you need to find their ideological, emotional, or interest-based roots.
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Everyday Leadership Leadership

Leadership in everyday life: Leaders in a pandemic

Do what is in your grasp before attempting to reach for something more. If you want to create a difference,...
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Why I can’t be a Leader: The truth that doesn’t hurt

You can’t be a leader because the standards you have set for being a leader are unrealistic, impossibly enormous, and...
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Argument Communication skills Discussion Persuasion

Tools to Convince: How to Win Arguments

Understand your audience's beliefs. To convince them you need to find their ideological, emotional, or interest-based roots.
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Everyday Leadership Leadership

A Day in the Life of an Everyday Leader

Inspire people, but don't change people to think and live as you want. Let them understand how their skills can...
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Servant Leadership: Is it more impactful than transformational leadership?

The servant leader engages with others in relational, emotional, and ethical dimensions to empower and inspire the people to realize...
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Everyday Leadership Leadership

Leadership in everyday life: Leaders in a pandemic

Do what is in your grasp before attempting to reach for something more. If you want to create a difference,...
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Thoughts on Leadership From an Everyday Leader

The concept of making a more considerable difference in the world to become deserving of the title of leadership is...
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4 Leadership Lessons From A Sloth

Like people of the past have underestimated sloths, we often underestimate ourselves. Let's see what sloths can teach us about...
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Why I can’t be a Leader: The truth that doesn’t hurt

You can’t be a leader because the standards you have set for being a leader are unrealistic, impossibly enormous, and...
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